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At, we strive to provide high-quality academic assistance. If the work we've delivered doesn't meet your expectations, you are entitled to request a revision under the following terms and conditions:
Your revision directions must align with your original instructions. Major changes, such as a different topic or structural changes, are considered as new instructions and may attract additional charges.
To submit a revision request, click the REVISION button on your account and fill out the form. You can also email us at In the event of ambiguity in your instructions, our support team will reach out for clarification to avoid potential misunderstandings.
You can request a revision anytime after receiving your order. However, we only entertain free revisions within 30 days from the date the final paper is uploaded to your account.
Revisions requiring significant alterations to the original order will incur a rewriting fee. The fee will be determined after a review of the revision instructions and a discussion with the writer. In case a revision involves a topic change or an increase in the number of pages or sources, the customer will need to either add more pages or place a new order.
In the event the original writer is unavailable, we'll assign another competent writer to handle your revision.
In case of any disagreement over the validity of a revision request, we will follow our internal dispute resolution procedure. If you are not satisfied with the work after several revisions or writer changes, you may refer to our Money Back Policy for a possible refund.
Orders with a deadline from 5 hours to 24 hours, especially those requiring same-day revisions, are treated as top priority. We, however, reserve the right to extend the deadline for revision as per the writer’s request in cases where the time frame you have initially paid for allows such an extension.
We reserve the right to decline revision requests that contain uncensored words, personal details like email, phone number, links to social profiles, price details, or any information deemed inappropriate or prohibited.
In the event of a full refund, we retain the rights to the work delivered, and we will notify the client via email.
We're committed to serving our clients to their utmost satisfaction. For further details, refer to our Payment and Refund Policy and Terms and Conditions or contact our customer support team.